
This information is out of date. For the most recent information, please visit https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk-m/-/tree/master/tutorial.

This page contains materials for the VTK-m tutorial, which will be presented on Sunday, October 20th at the VIS19 conference in Vancouver, Canada. Attendees can get the slides HERE and the user guide is HERE. Note that this tutorial is based on VTK-m 1.5, the latest user guide for VTK-m 1.6 can be found HERE

There are two options for running code:

  1. Building VTK-m on your own machine.
  2. Running our VirtualBox image with VTK-m installed.

Sections below describe how to pursue each of these options.

Download and build VTK-m

The process to build VTK-m:

In all, your process on Unix/Mac should be something like:

# (download VTK-m 1.5.0)
# tar xvfz vtk-m-v1.5.0.tar.gz
# mkdir build install # out of source build
# cd build
# cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -DVTKm_ENABLE_TESTING:BOOL=OFF ../vtk-m-v1.5.0
# make -j4
# make install

The main instructions to download and build are here . That said, we recommend following the instructions above.

The process to build code examples:

Your process on Unix/Mac should be something like:

# (downloads from above)
# export D=/path/to/where/your/browser/downloads/files
# mkdir VTKm_tutorial_examples    # should be peer to build/install
# cd VTKm_tutorial_examples
# cp $D/VTKm_tutorial_examples.tar .
# tar xvf VTKm_tutorial_examples.tar.gz # places tutorial files in $PWD
# cmake . -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<path_to_vtkm-installation>/"
--> if you did a "make install" and this directory is peer to the install directory, then it would be
--> # cmake . -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=../install
# make
# ./tut_io # run 1st example
# ls out_io.vtk # confirms 1st example successfully completed

Download Virtual Box image with VTK-m

The Virtual Box image with VTK-m installed can be found here .

To be able to use this image you’ll need to have the Virtual Box software installed. Please follow the instructions provided here .

The internet connection at the tutorial venue may discourage the requested downloads, in that case please ask the presenters for a flash drive with the required material.

The username/password to access the material on the VM are vtkm/vtkm.